September 10, 2009


OK, every now & then I get people asking me, "How long have you been a total Batman Fanatic?" Well, I guess the answer would be "over 40 years". I mean, I am 45 & have been a HUGE Bat-Fan since the age of 2! Every holiday, when the whole family gets together, they always make fun at how I was totally crazy about Batman as a little kid. My Aunt loves to tell the story about how my Nanny ( her Mother ) made me a Custom Batman Cape & I used to totally live in it, ha ha! Yeah, the story gets kinda old but it's always nice to hear. Now, regular Bat-Blog Readers might have read about when my Grandmother died recently. It took my Aunt a long time to get the courage to "deal with the house". Mainly because it was so haunting to go in there & be totally reminded of her. I can completely understand & respect that. It must have been really difficult. Well, she finally got around to going through her things & I told her that Nanny had a photo of me wearing a Batman T-Shirt and, if I could, I would really like to have it. It was an old black & white photo that hung on her bedroom wall, like forever. Well, she said it wasn't there anymore ( she's still trying to find it ). But, while going through a drawer she found this one still in the original metal frame. It's a color photo & I have NEVER seen it before. I really laughed when I saw it. Plus, if you look closely, I'm wearing a bootleg "Batman & Robin" T-Shirt. Now, how cool is that!? I'm also wearing my Grandfather's military hat he wore during WWII. I loved it & used to wear it all the time.

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