September 15, 2009

Not Another Rumor About The Sequel To THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie!

Bloggers making rumors about future villains ( and the actors who play them ) in Batman movies get on my last nerve! So I swear that I am NOT trying to start any stupid "Sequel To The DARK KNIGHT" Batman movie rumors here! But, I am wondering... How many people think that Beyonce would make an excellent Catwoman?! She's a pretty good actress & it could be sort of an homage to Eartha Kitt from the 1966 TV Show. Plus, she's looking extremely HOT in this black catsuit shown right here! Hubba Hubba! I also think that Angelina Jolie would be a good choice too since she does sort of look like a young Julie Newmar...any thoughts? And, if not Catwoman, who would you like to see as the main villain in the next movie?


  1. I don't actually have any preferences about who ends up in the next movie. I'll trust Chris Nolan's judgement.

  2. For Catwoman, they should go with an unknown or a surprise pick. Like with the Joker, nobody would have suspected Heath Ledger till they announced him for the role. Beyonce would be a good pick though

  3. Didn't we learn our lesson with Halley Berry?!?

    Hot? Check
    Catwoman? No

  4. Angelina is getting a bit to old. Beyonce looks perfect.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beyonce would be nice to see in a catsuit, but Catwoman in the comic books (which seems to be the way Chris Nolan is going, to be more true to the comics) She was white. No that's not racist. She was white look it up.

  7. I'd have to go with Angelina due to her sophistication because of how classy Selina Kyle is. Remember, shes not just a thief, shes a member og high society.

  8. In Frank Miller's Batman Year One Selena Kyle is black.

  9. holy crap...that's an awesome idea! She'd be purrrrfect
