September 19, 2009


I just got these pics from a long time reader, named Dallas, who wanted to share his Custom "BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT PERCHED ON THE BAT-SIGNAL" Statue with us. He wrote, "I thought some of your readers / collectors would be interested in what I did to my Dark Knight Kotobukiya statue to make it an even cooler piece to display. All I did was remove ( with a dremel tool ) the center of the bat signal out and dropped an Ikea disc light in the center, cutting a little opening for the electrical cord...and HOLY BAT-SIGNAL! Now you've got one of the coolest lamps EVER!!!" WOW! Now, Dallas, this does look really cool & you did a great job on it. The upward lighting effect is very dramatic. To be honest. The very very first time I saw this statue offered by Kotobukiya I actually thought they were gonna make it have this feature. I mean, it seemed so obvious! But they didn't. It probably would have made it more labor intensive or something. Plus, they're in the "Statue Business" & not into making lamps. But I remember actually being kinda disappointed that it didn't light-up, ha ha! So, your custom job is really neat. Nothing bad against Kotobukiya, because they're an awesome company & their statues are wonderful quality, but THIS is how it SHOULD have been done! Thank you for sharing the pics & your story, that's great! I love when readers are responsive like this because it gives the Bat-Blog some nice variety.

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